Shirley: Wei u song,later 2pm ssaas interact club having installation day le..wanna come over?
U Song: installation day last second only call me up? *i was ex-interact president,so its their duty to invite me XD *
Shirley: one of my friend's needs a partner?so can u come..
So..after a lil persuasion n confirmation bout time n stuff..i agreed to go..n the funniest part is,i didnt ask who's my partner going to be..LoL!! Owh well,so i drive over there n reached bout 2pm..n at last,meet up my partner..n she's a malay..i was like stunned for a few sec..not tat i'm racist or anything..the gurl is a nice person but juz tat i doesnt know wat convo i can crack to talk wit her..tried to talk to her few times but eventually it goes like Question & answer
Well the day arent tat bad afterall,get to know some new peeps from my old 2ndary skul,get to meet up old skul mates which r all my juniors n great to know some of them got gf 0.o Had open dance floor at the end of the event,get to shake shake a lil,lolx..tried to jump a lil but leg hurts,so gotta laid back a lil n cant play tat exrtreme =(
Anyway picture speaks louder than words,so here's some pic of the fun i had ^^
me n my partner of the day,forgotten her name tho >.< sorrie
me n shirley<---the one who invited me..she's gorgeous huh..
shirley n her partner,divanesh..the interact president who's gonna turun pangkat
me n kiat..messing round wit kai yee's mask XD how do i look on it huh? XD
the new interact b.o.d..weird to c its gurl who r betta at guitar not the guys..lolx..joyce on green guitar,she's the new president...n anisa's sister..i she's called akasha??aint akasha a dota hero's name??lolx~!
me n sue anne...she's a goodie goodie gurl..lolx..i bet she never disobey her parents b4??lolx
prom king n queen of the day
from left: shirley, sue anne, cheng..
me n cheng,she's a cutie XD
me n the mask gurl a.k.a akasha..she doesnt wanna take the mask down,i dunno y.. maybe she had too much fun wit it.. *meh,wat fun could u had wit a mask
from left:darren,cheng,Teh...does the 2 guys looks like brothers??they doesnt seems to look alike to me.
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