Sunday, May 10, 2009

Esnoka inteview #1

i was getting a lil boring with msn today so i find some old buddies of mine and had a lil chat on it goes this way:

Esnoka says:

today holiday?
apa holiday?

U SoNg says:
u dunno what event isit today?
good thing u stick with ur computer alot

Esnoka says:
i have no idea le
apa holiday wor
mana i tau
i thought may onli got labour day as holiday?

U SoNg says:
yesh..keep stay home more
the book + pc will keep u alive
all hail esnoka DA OCTOPUS!

*bla bla bla...some other interesting stuff goes on..and continue on a later issue*

U SoNg says:
u take the books and pray to them
burn them to ashes and drink it
u'll pass ur exams ^^
or even score 100%!!!

Esnoka says:
y dont u try tat

U SoNg says:
book sucks
they dont even taste good
doughnuts ftw!!

Esnoka says:
then u better study more
n slp less

U SoNg says:
wokay then..
i'll study them instead
books aint even nice to chew at

*the post been a lil too long so i cut them half,check out esnoka interview #2 *

1 comment:

Stefanie Law said...

i suggest u burn the book and drink...
once you prove effective..
u'll be a kajillionaire!!!