i supposely should be going home asap after tat meeting cuz having a morning class at 9am on sat..but somehow i chill n take my sweet time =D so me,jun xian,win,kai xing,n 1 more guy...i alwez forget his name..lol...anyway we had supper n yumcha again at another mamak..makes me extremely full @.@ anyway we borak-borak till like 2.20am only those guys wanna fetch me back,they juz cant stop talking..lol..n win volunteer to send me home after the meeting =D cuz actually i wont be coming for tat meetin cuz having class on the next morning,but they wants me to go..so tat's something like a way to tempt me come over to kajang..lol..luv to stay out late wit them,those guys have topics to talk bout 24/7,its alwez fun to be wit them..n i got tis brownie from my 'kai mui' as my belated buzday pressie =D..tho i cant eat it cuz sure secret recipe put eggs in it,but thx alot mel for the cake ^^
And today saturday,my buddhist society having moon cake festival celebration n i'm performing =D i'm playing the guitar for the choir group cuz ah kok teacher had to go sabah for work...too bad he cant come to join us..well anyway b4 the performance we're practicing n lots of mistakes were made by them but somehow they pull it off on the stage perfomance XD the guys n gurls did great on the stage,tho there's a lil mistake but somehow they covered tat up..lol..well done guys XD
Wow yeu song.....why do u have to be so cruel...i just noticed every post there has something to do with food and picture of food, u know how much i miss the food back there...what a torture >.<
muahaha..tat's the point..lawl...so get ur ass back here ASAP~
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