sry for tis late tagged post SK...been kinda bz n a lil lazy lately =P anyway here goes ntg :
What was your dream when you were a small kid?
dream?i wanted to be a scientist,specialising in potion n stuff *watch too much magic movies * and and,i wanna be a wizard,muahah..imagine i could cast spells =)
What was the happiest thing in your whole life?
there's lots of happyness moments..mainly i think its the old days where i was a camper in buddhist camp..i could actually play like mad n doesnt care bout how should i act n so on..
What do you wish to have right now?
wat i wish to have?hurm..could i have a jinn tat could grant all my wishes?its would be easier XD
When was the last time you Hourse Laugh??
dont think i horse laughed
What do you realize recently?
i spened 110bucks of my 120 pocket money in 15 days !!11 buck left for my next 15 days on tis month.. =s
Which bad habit of you thats is most unacceptable?
lazyness..i juz cant get rid of it..i delay almost all my stuff n do it last second..studying wit lazyness around is being a real prob >.<
When you're unhappy what will you do?
i used to play wit my guitar,n it makes me feels real good..anger n unhappiness would all go away..sound of guitar is juz a miracle to me ^^
What are you afraid of losing?
losing to mr bill (my t5 class lecturer) ,he seems to try kick me off my class,or others too for bad results.. i wouldnt fail for my MOCK exam..juz watch..
Within 5 years,which target is the most realistic one?
When you met someone you like,will you confess or hide your feelings?
hah..depends..i analyse alot XD if i think i would have a chance to get her as my gf,i'll go for a try
List out 3 kind of person you hate the most?
backstabber...jerk egy(they spam u like mad )...ppl who only find u when they neeed another sense its called,USING u..
Define loneliness
loneliness is like where u've no fren,no family,bla bla bla etc where u do everything alone,n the world seems empty? loneliness = boringness to me too XD
Are you satisfied with your life now?
its kinda fine,juz needs to use up my life a lil more wisely.
When is the most recent time you felt touched?
felt touched? when i touched myself??lol
Where is the most beautiful place that you have visited?
i dunno...i've short term memory,i mainly forgets lots of stuff XD
A song that is playing in your mind recently?
Jason Mraz& Colbie Cailat - Lucky
If you have a wish come true,what is it?
i could noe wat course tat i really wants deep inside myself.
Do you have anything to worried or scared recently?
worried bout coming mock exam,worried bout my up coming camp stuff,will i get everything done smoothly *being a leader had lots of stuff to take care of =) *
If the world is going to end,what will you do?
juz do stuff as usual..if it ever wanna end,it will..
who are you thinking of right now?
mum asked me to mop the floor
I will tag:
ahsleyshin,ahsley teng,aaron lim,adrian yong,seh ming,miao a.k.a kai yee,roger,stef,steph
Added:nithia,03 to my tags XD