Monday, June 1, 2009

Records keep playin

Do u guys noe how it feels like when you've 2 things equal important and u gotta weight them to see which is more important at the current moment?

its like you gotta read something desperately for ur exam and you keep having some other matters playing on your head,like an old song record.

bah..i've weight it up,and brain tells my by common sense i gotta settle the exam issue first,but what i've decide to settle the another..when u've something on ur mind,u couldnt concentrate a bit on reading..all now left the other party to recite on what she thinks..gotta wait..hurm..


Ashleyteng said...

aiyo, busyness will not screw both apart if it's true.

concentrate on study is better. it will be a precious achievement in future.

~U SoNg~ said...

hurm..there's been debates among my friends is study really gonna give u achieve something good?there aint a real 100% sure positive answer..Studies are 'nice' to have,but not a 'must..u could work and study later..but its a matter of diff point view anyway..

and studies x semesti gives u 'great achievements in future' tho.