Well friday huh?as usual if i doesnt have class gonna send my sis to her singing class in klang..honestly that teacher's manners aint that good,he likes to scold ppl wan...but bleh,i cant do anything bout it since its my sis herself wanna learn so gonna cope with that..
Anyway after dropping my sis to school and sending my bro n his fren to a nearby ktm i head back home to rest a lil b4 i move out to meet my gurl xD was so happy cuz we hardly have any time to meet each other up..So she send me a msg ajak me to go leisure mall join her frens in a movie and maybe makan2..I drive myself to cheras although i dunno the way,anyway thx to Win(its my fren's name) and leou gyn(gf's fren) for directing me to the leisure mall..Anyway the movie suppose to be at 4.45pm but i was like 10 min late cuz i got lost in cheras >.< but luckily the place is quite easy to find..
Anyway went for a movie,makan in wong kok but bleh...the cheese spaghetti isnt really nice,should order cheese baked rice instead. Then got my hair cut(thx to leou gyn again) cuz leou gyn into me a nice shop over there..I totally like it,they like wet my hair and wash it again after cutting,and the guy who cut my hair was pretty good actually..Wish the place was slightly nearer my place,or else i'll go there cut all the time xD
STay up a lil longer till bout 9.30 only leave leisure mall cuz my gurl's driver dunno the way to leisure mall or wat lah..tat dude actually get lost =.= I was pretty tired and my car wasnt really going on a straight line that time,but still as i promised yi hong they all that i gonna play l4d with them that nice so i went cc join them also,dont wanna FFK as i know how bad it feels when ppl do that to u as well..It was a handicap match, 2 v 3..Me n hafiz was on 1 team while kai yee,yi hong and seh ming on the other..I thought we'll kena smacked like shit and lose cuz hafiz aint that good in playing the infected(zombies) since the last time we meet,didnt expect him to do some 'secret' training and in the end me n him totally tapau the 3 peeps...i bet kai yee must be mad with me now cuz i told her hafiz is not quite a good player..hahah.
anyway here's a pic of me n my gurl cam whoring during makan in wong kok restaurant.
Saturday huh,was my CAT graduation day and normally when ppl speaks of graduation it sounds like some big deal or big stuff that everyone will get so happy and hype up..but bleh wasnt feeling anything special 'big' actually cuz mostly of my old mates graduated last year and there's only left joyce,chin yip,nithia,lynn shane which are the only few frens that i'm closer to went for the graduation.
Its pretty madness that they ask everyone to reach bout 7am in the morning in piramid convention center~!!madness..i actually jumped up on my bed when it was 5.26am while i set my alarm at 5.30am *rarely i can wake up in time* was doing some on9 stuff then take my bath,makan in a rush mood cuz i was late and try find my black formal shoe...Then i goes ehh~!where goes my shoe,cari cari and gali owh then found it on the top of the shelf..take it down then i goes:"wtf wrong with my shoe?~!" the tapak actually comes off,honestly i dunno how my dad wear my shoe sampai like tat =.= then i panic n start gali more shoes,luckily i found my old PKBM kawat shoe and take 1 of them and lap it *pretty dusty* then wear on it,rush over to piramid bout 130kmj *not really fast tho cuz not much petrol left >.< * when i sampai called nithia cuz i panic when i see everyone wearing a tie then i go:"shit~!!y didnt i bring a tie"...So i start calling everyone and see who else is coming late to bring me 1....sucky day huh?..at last i called aaron and that dude was in his deep sleep,he picked up his phone and goes like:"harluu,who's this?" *in a real blurr mood* then at last he tells me he could bring me a tie and i was so glad...haha.
Anyway the whole event was pretty boring honestly and i actually dooze off during the speech given by Mr Teo(director of sunway TES) and i heard some voices laffing at the back of me,i think i kena laf cuz my head keep dropping >.<
Snapped lots of pics on other peep's camera but bleh,too bad i might need to find and grab from them in class or what..Here's few pics for now and i'll upload up more pics when i get them,cheers peeps ^^
there's goes some of my pics,i'll upload more on these stuff when i get the other pics^^
hhahaha. what happened to ur fren?? why he stare at the camera like one kind nee wan? LOL. faaarnieh! haahhha
hahaha i dunno...he's okay normally @.@
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