Monday, May 11, 2009

1 dream,1 step,1 whole new life

I been stucked in this shitty hole of mine being lazyness, trying to runs from problems,and torturing myself and being rebellious..

So this are the 1st few main stuff i gonna make myself change:
  • Stop being lazy - i had a list of my own what i gonna do daily to keep myself packed up with targets
  • running probs - gonna talk to it in da face and do it like a man style.
  • rebellious - yeah,i not really being a good kid lately,been arguing so much with parents...For now all i gonna do is just do my part on studies and some do some basic daily routine to cut down the nags.

Sometimes i feel i dont fit to be someone who's age being 20..i feel myself being more like a kid,just like what Sook Koon,esnoka(quite some time ago),my gurl,and few more peeps..I dont seems to be mature even when it comes to studies,i cant even decipline myself to sit on the table daily to just read 2-3 questions a day..I cant even beat a 17 years old gurl,how am i suppose to consider myself mature that way??

So here's what i gonna do,do a daily study lil by lil from now on..although there's not much time left before june which my my finals 1st paper falls on the 2nd june..But i gonna start from scrap and pull it off and make the pace faster and faster.

1st dream:
study up f4 and f5,make it a sure PASS!!

1st step:
start reading my books

new life:
it eventually will helps to turn the bad wind away and bring hopes to life^^ *pray hard for meh~ *

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